Set in a small coastal Belgium town, North Sea Texas is a touching coming-of-age drama telling...
Captivating and evocative, Paula McLain’s novel The Paris Wife paints a portrait...
Every so often an individual comes along who appears to speak...
All in Good Time is the film adaptation of the Olivier Award-winning play Rafta Rafta,...
Brixton Academy was set on fire on Monday night, 2nd April, in London by You Me...
In 2008, conflict broke out amongst politicians in Lebanon, which subsequently led to...
Unlike many other film festivals that occur throughout the year, the Human...
After news came back that Clash of the Titans had not only made its $125million...
The memoirs of Edmond “Momon” Vidal, leader of the notorious Lyon gang responsible for a series of armed heists in 1970s France, inspire former police officer turned director Olivier Marchal’s latest crime thriller A Gang Story. The ageing Momon (Gerard Lanvin), now in his fifties, although attempting to leave the criminal underworld...
In 1996 The Shins, originally created as a side project for singer/songwriter James...