All posts tagged review

  • Movie
    People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan

    A film version of People Just Do Nothing was in the pipeline a while before...

  • Movie

    An American in peril in a foreign country, being pursued for reasons he doesn’t quite...

  • Film festivals

    The Greek myth of Medea ends in tragedy, and this bold, bullish adaptation from...

  • Film festivals

    Gaspar Noé, generally a director of provocations, has made an elegant and candid...

  • Live music
    Gorillaz at the O2 Arena

    On Tuesday, musician Damon Albarn assembles a live band under the Gorillaz moniker to...

  • Movie
    Jakob’s Wife

    Jakob’s Wife tells the story of Anne (Barbara Crampton), the titular wife of small-town...

  • Theatre
    Paradise at the National Theatre

    The National Theatre turns to the ever-powerful Greek classics in celebration...

  • Theatre
    Twelfth Night at Shakespeare’s Globe

    Originally poised to grace the stage in 2020, the rescheduled...

  • Movie
    What If…?

    Following the introduction of the multiverse in Loki, Marvel’s What If…? makes for the perfect...

  • Live music
    Yungblud at the Forum

    Yungblud is truly occupying the UK on his Occupy the UK tour, playing not only...