All posts tagged review

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    The Mosquito Coast

    Allie Fox’s ­Heart of Darkness-esque descent into madness is an intriguing character arc,...

  • Movie

    Arthouse film Aviva relates the tale of a couple going through the ups and downs...

  • Movie
    Here Are the Young Men

    Bring together three of the most promising young actors of a generation and give them...

  • Movie
    The Virtuoso

    Nick Stagliano’s new thriller The Virtuoso is marked not by virtuosity but vagueness, a picture...

  • Show

    Intergalactic packs a lot of energy into its launch, but Sky’s new sci-fi escapade drama...

  • Movie
    Sheep Without a Shepherd

    Bollywood audiences know well enough by now that South-Indian cinema is a goldmine for...

  • Movie
    Forget Everything and Run

    It was only a matter of time before someone made a zombie flick about COVID...

  • Album
    Toumani Diabaté – Kôrôlén

    Grammy-winning kora master Toumani Diabaté brings a unique style of African...

  • Movie
    Laddie: The Man Behind the Movies

    It takes a village to make a movie, and it takes elder statesmen and women...

  • Movie
    The Last Photograph

    Danny Huston of the Hollywood Huston dynasty returns to directing, after more than 20 years,...