All posts tagged review

  • Film festivals

    The Borden household harbours something far worse than malicious ghosts in its dark...

  • Film festivals

    There seems to be a never-ending, impending sense of doom woven into the structure of...

  • Film festivals
    Suburban Birds (Jiao qu de niao)

    A tale of two linking stories, Qiu Sheng’s Suburban Birds...

  • Movie
    Tehran Taboo

    Co-written and directed by Ali Soozandeh, Tehran Taboo follows the lives of four young people...

  • Live music
    The Xcerts at St Pancras Old Church

    In between releasing an acoustic EP and touring with massive bands like Goo...

  • Movie
    The House with a Clock in its Walls

    Magic, mystery and the “indomitable” will of a courageous youth against a...

  • Film festivals

    Sex trafficking, issues of undocumented immigration and exploitation are hardly themes...

  • Film festivals
    Knife + Heart (Un Couteau Dans Le Coeur)

    What do you get when you mix humour, slasher,...

  • Film festivals
    Asako I & II (Netemo Sametemo)

    This is a strange, almost naïve film that plunges a...

  • Film festivals

    A young woman takes on an artist residency in the Spanish countryside with a renowned...