All posts tagged review

  • Theatre
    Tartuffe at the Theatre Royal Haymarket

    This bilingual production of Molière’s crowning glory is stylish,...

  • Theatre
    Blueberry Toast at Soho Theatre

    All is not as it seems in suburbia in Mary Laws’ intriguing and unusual...

  • Theatre
    The Daughter-in-Law at Arcola Theatre

    Who is the true ruler of the house, the man or the woman? And what...

  • Film festivals

    Hereditary lures you in slowly. For the first 30 minutes or so, you might think you...

  • Film festivals
    Skate Kitchen

    There is something of a 90s vibe at London Sundance, and it continues with the...

  • Movie

    This is a curious indie-thriller that mimics the suburban crime sprawl of Animal Kingdom, and...

  • Movie
    That Summer

    Before the 1975 documentary Grey Gardens that focussed on the lives of the highly eccentric...

  • Theatre
    Confidence at Southwark Playhouse

    Judy Upton’s Confidence explores growing up in a seaside town when the...

  • Film festivals

    A vague suspicion of familiarity is possible when reading a synopsis for Idris Elba’s...

  • Film festivals
    Leave No Trace

    We think of hunter-gatherers as an image of our distant human past, but it is...