A documentary of nuance and persistence, Girls State is a must-watch film with its layered...
Sugar stars Colin Farrell as the titular John Sugar, an American private eye hired by...
After directing a handful of episodes for Netflix drama The Crown, Philip Martin turns his...
With a back catalogue that has inspired a host of modern-day rock ‘n’...
Now here’s an intriguing one for those who enjoy picking around in the niches of...
Prosper Mérimée’s tragic tale of passion (turned into the famous opera by...
Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 psychological thriller novel The Talented Mr Ripley was first adapted for the...
Griff’s performance at the Roundhouse was a remarkable finale to her UK/European tour....
An Oscar win is always difficult to follow up on, as every work thereafter will...
The Regime stars Kate Winslet as Elena Vernham, the chancellor of an unnamed European autocracy....