All posts tagged review

  • Film festivals

    There are too many sublime moments to count in Todd Haynes’s Wonderstruck,...

  • Film festivals
    Distant Constellation

    Beautifully shot and constructed by first-time director Shevaun...

  • Film festivals
    My Generation

    A revolutionary generation that turned the dynamic of youth culture on its...

  • Film festivals
    The Meyerowitz Stories

    Noah Baumbach seems to have transformed himself into an indie heir of...

  • Film festivals
    Brigsby Bear

    It may depend on culture and nationality, but the subject of child kidnappings...

  • Film festivals
    Las Hijas de Abril (April’s Daughter)

    Michel Franco has produced a wonderfully outrageous...

  • Film festivals
    Una Mujer Fantástica (A Fantastic Woman)

    How many of us long to be accepted for who we are?...

  • Film festivals
    La Cordillera (The Summit)

    By Argentinian director Santiago Mitre, La Cordillera (The...

  • Film festivals
    Happy End

    A happy end isn’t a concept one associates with Michael Haneke, a filmmaker...

  • Film festivals

    On the day of the 117th annual Boston Marathon at 2.49pm, two bombs were detonated...