We all know the old saying “begin as you mean to go on”....
After the Storm is the latest work from the great Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda. Known...
Dough is a sweet British comedy that explores identity, religion and inter-generational friendships against...
Based on Gilles Paris’s novel Autobiographie d’une Courgette, the stop-motion...
Ruben Östlund dark comedy The Square won the French festival most coveted award,...
It’s been another great year of cinema at Cannes, for its 70th edition. From the...
In a small space at the Islington last night, a young man quietly stepped onto...
In an age where most “big films” are either superhero movies, remakes, or...
For Emma Rice’s last hurrah at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, it...
There’ll be no better title sequence this year than in Sean Baker’s...