Stranger Things meets Tragedy Girls in Amazon Prime’s Paper Girls, an adaptation of the comic...
When Patrick Stewart reprised his celebrated role as Jean-Luc Picard in 2020, fans of the...
It’s hard to fault ambition, even when it isn’t quite fulfilled. Between Waves attempts to...
Undergods impressed at Fantasia Film Festival 2020 ahead of an eventual cinematic release this month....
Three years after their debut, director Joe Penna and his co-writer Ryan Morrison return with...
Intergalactic packs a lot of energy into its launch, but Sky’s new sci-fi escapade drama...
World-building is a tricky task. In horror and sci-if especially, diegetic holes will inevitably lead...
Bliss is a po-faced and dramatically inert science fiction meander that remains firmly committed to...
For those finding everything a bit too real at the moment, here’s a feature-length dive...