The Resident Evil series is iconic in the world of video games. Not only...
Ushering in a new generation with the opportunity to pave their own legacy, director...
The unprecedented success of Netflix’s Squid Game has made the show more than a mere...
When a freak storm hits, a lone astronaut (Thomas Jane) is left drifting aimlessly through...
Climate change jeopardises the survivability of humanity in writer-director Neil Burger’s (Billions)...
While direct adaptations of writer Isaac Asimov’s work are rather thin on the ground (with...
Combining sci-fi, action and romance while taking a dive into the human psyche, Reminiscence aims...
Groundhog day movies have a tried-and-tested formula: an everyday person becomes stuck in a time...
Free Guy revolves around virtual reality and looks at what happens when a video game...